This is a brand new day for the country we call home. GMA announced this morning that 61% of white America voted for the black Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, to become the 44th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. History was made as our citizens voted in record numbers and overwhelmingly catapulted this man into the most powerful office in the world.
Regardless of what ideology you believe in, democracy did in fact rule the day. I don't know what will come tomorrow, but I know WHO holds tomorrow in HIS hands --- and those aren't Barack's hands I'm talking about. A few months ago I heard many people in this nation rise up against a female VP candidate because her home church dared to lay hands on her and state that GOD had called her for a time such as this. I didn't sweat it ---- because I believed that too. Just as I believed that God himself sets and establishes the leaders of our nations. To make that statement requires that you rest in the knowledge that WHOEVER WINS THE RACE is, in fact, CALLED to lead ---- and for a purpose greater than their own.
Incredible, isn't it? I mean what if I don't agree with his ideas, what if he infringes on MY RIGHTS? etc., etc., etc......
Psalm 48: 9 holds a nugget of truth from way back in time. It reads:
All kings. Not just the ones I happen to like or agree with. Chew on that for just a moment. If you happen to believe in God, it should give you a peaceful pause. If you don't believe, it should momentarily make you wonder, what if?.....
President-elect Barack Hussein Obama was born for this season and at this time in the history of mankind. We should all stand with him in this endeavor and pray for him as he steps forth to lead this nation in the world we reside in. I don't care if you like him, agree with him or think we've made a grievous error. I care that you now lay aside the rhetoric, roll up your sleeves and work for the betterment of all mankind --- our brothers and sisters. Where is the harm in that? What will it hurt you to PRAY for him? Maybe your not a believer, you say? I find that ridiculous, you believe in something --- start there. Pray that this CHANGE doesn't disappoint you. Pray that the man sitting next to you at work who vocalized out loud 'he can't believe the people voted a _____ into office' will find some conviction and enlightenment.
Yes, bigotry and racism still exist today.
Pray that President-elect Obama can continue to ignite a fire in all people to be citizens full of compassion and mercy. That doesn't offend you, right? I mean that's a good enough jumping off point, isn't it? It seems a good enough place to start for me.
Let me be one of the first citizens to say, President-elect Obama, I congratulate you and promise to pray for you that you will be established in wisdom as you lead this nation GOD has entrusted to you. It's a big job, I certainly HOPE you are ready for the task.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Posted by knappmom3 at 9:10 AM
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Judy... found ya! :) Good thoughts. God's sovereignty is the only thing I'm focusing on! I'm one who believes that America has just made the biggest mistake in its history, but you know what? It was all part of God's ultimate plan! I have to keep reminding myself of this. I don't have to understand His plan, just trust in it. I, too, will pray for Obama- that he uses wisdom in his choices and decisions that will come his way. Without ranting, that's all I can say today! :)
I love you, Judy. Such wisdom from one so young...
I absolutely agree with you. I changed my status on FB to, "I know that nothing surprises God...all is as it should be." And I truly believe that. God appointed this man for this time. I don't agree with him (little "h") on just about anything, but I trust Him (big "H") in everything. The world did not end yesterday and it will not end January 20th. God is in control and had this plan laid out before the beginning of time...and anyone who has the capability to do that, has my vote! :)
God is sovereign.
But he also gives us the freedom to make our own choices, and then to live with the consequences. God never specifically address America, and definitely doesn't guarantee that it will be blessed.
We've always been taught and said 'God bless America' ... and 'greatest nation' and 'leaders of the free world'...
As for God bless America - that was supposed to be asking God to please bless America, but it has become something that we assume... God blessed and still does bless America... God never promise us that we have any special role in His plan to bring people to Himself. Am I making sense?
As for this being the greatest nation and leaders of the free world... America is young compared to most other nations ... and many civilizations throughout history have fallen or even been destroyed by God for their bad decisions. I'm feeling like we often choose to just throw out 'God is sovereign' and assume that God for some reason wants America to succeed and prosper above and beyond all other nations. Not so sure that's the case. We sin, we get punished.
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