I'm sure you have seen them in the news. Jon and Kate Gosselin of Jon and Kate plus 8. One of my favorite TLC cable shows about a couple doing the best they can to care for the blessings of their 8 kids --- twins and a set of sextuplets. Well, the 'shitolla' hit the fan in the last couple of weeks and you can't go to the grocery store without USWeekly or even PEOPLE magazine filling you in, by way of their covers, on the latest juicy bit of gossip associated with this now celebrity couple. I've heard some really nice people take aim at Kate, calling her a greedy bitch and only in it all for the money and fame. Really? On TLC? Did I miss their move to Hollywood or something? (ahhh man , bet that was a great episode.)
I can only imagine how hard this whirlwind must be for both of them. I am not debating the facts here, cause quite frankly, don't know what they are --- neither do you my sweet readers. I just don't understand why a brother of the 'alleged mistress' would sell his sister out to USWeekly. Oh yeah, MONEY. Nice family.
Kate's family isn't much better as we have now heard from her brother and sister-n-law. Ka-ching
By the looks of it, they seem to be the ones grasping for their piece of the proverbial fame pie. By the looks of it.
Did you catch the CBS morning spot on 'whether the Gosselin 8' are SAFE' ???
No lie. The morning anchor put on her best gravely concerned face and asked GLORIA ALRED if the children were being negatively impacted by all the frenzy and the way in which Jon and Kate snap at each other all the time..... (I guess morning anchor didn't consider the NETWORK'S blatant salacious story to be adding any pressure to this already hostile, not good for the kids and about to explode environment)
CUE ominous music.
Did we really need to ask that? And did we need to get that opinion from one of the most notorious female attorneys in the country and lead the interview with 'Are the Gosselin kids SAFE' hook? Yes, Attorney Alred occasionally dons her super human leotard and tights and fights the fight of the downtrodden but somehow this seemed waaaaaaay over the top and ever so slightly disingenuous for this particular situation. She's never met them. Never read their contract with TLC. Never been in the same room with the children but has all this first hand wisdom in dealing with THIS family. I somehow think CBS decided to use ALRED because she has attached herself to the other OCTO mom, you know the one, Angelina's look alike?
This story truly has the makings of a modern day Greek Tragedy. I hate it for them. You may say to me, "but didn't you hear they had an open marriage arrangement?" (gasp, is this where I'm supposed to be shocked?) or "she's just in it for the money."
I then ask, "have you considered how much money it costs to raise 8 kids in this modern civilization we're living in OR would you prefer the Gosselins to be living on WELFARE?" Hmmm, I believe there are quite a few people that would prefer it that way. SAD isn't it?
Why do we as a nation, when observing someone down, decide it would then be an even greater idea to kick them even harder? The media has been doing it for years, so true, but it seems to have taken on a much harsher tone. People seem to glory in the pain of others. Its a modern day take on a public execution --- think GUILLOTINE --- and that about sums it up.
I have not a clue what's really going on behind THEIR closed doors but I sure hope they can manage to somehow pull together and work as a team in raising their 8 beautiful kids. I'm not sweating their success or Kate's books about her experiences in being a mom of multiples. I'm glad they found a way to provide for their brood.
I haven't really heard anything that makes me desire their destruction. I live in the real world with all the rest of the screwed up people who like to believe they always have it together. They don't, none of us do. We have good days, maybe even some great days, but then there comes that moment when we are humbled --- again. We're just lucky that 'the world' isn't up our butts and in our business reveling in our pain.....
This couple signed up for a reality cable show, not Hollywood on crack. They are being treated to the worst it has to offer. And just so you know, I'm pulling for the 'greedy bitch' and 'lying bastard' to get their family back. They might even earn new nicknames --- like mom and dad or even better --- SURVIVOR.