Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday Monday


The day I attend Church.

To cleanse.

To enlighten my heart and mind with ideas that are bigger than ME.

Lofty goal.....

Especially when it ends with a throw down between my two female off-spring that would give the WWF a run for its overpaid, over hyped money!

Here is the reality of my day of rest. The text read: "...You better tell your favorite daughter to back off or I will jump her right here right now and rip her hair out and stuff it in her mouth....."

Wooohooo ---- that was so full of Jesus wasn't it?

Thirteen and near 16 years old often mix like oil and water. You can take them places together ---- and often watch the fireworks ignite.

The younger sister thinks the older sister is the favorite. The older sister believes the younger one is because in her mind ---- baby girl gets away with everything.
(not true)
Mother gets drawn into the fight and 16 year old gets mad at her!!!!!! What???

I spent over two hours sorting through the emotional mind field of my girls. Both cried. But only one called UNCLE. The sender of that ominous text asked for forgiveness. Receiver allowed herself to be hugged but didn't want to reciprocate. Ughh!

Mother considered running away!

When I was pregnant all those moons ago, rubbing my over-inflated belly, I imagined what they would look like and sound like.

Dark hair?

Blue, green or brown eyes?

Would they be artistic?

I really had no idea there would be days like this. Sure, I had siblings ---- brothers. But somehow in the wonder lust of love, while building a life with the one I CHOSE to create family with ---- I FORGOT!!!

I often remind my girls that God intentionally put them in a family ---together! This didn't happen by accident but with design and with intent!

There are moments though --- when I wonder if God's intent was to drive me to the funny farm!


Week begins at a rapid pace.

Jaelyn walks down the stairs to retrieve book-bag.

Mother hears her say, "bye Gregg, love you .... love you, Savannah."

Mother waits.....

Savannah's reply, "love you too JJ."

Mother decides NOT to run away. :-)


Alice said...

I can TOTALLY identify. My sister and I are 6 years apart and we had horrible fights with lots of hair ripping. But now we are literally best friends. There is a light at the end of this tunnel! My biggest concern now is when my very athletic daughter and my overgrown son start wrestling with each other. I have my hand near the phone to dial 911! Sometimes I have to step in with a flyswatter (those plastic ones really sting!) to break things up. One day they will all move out for good and we will miss them ... Go to your happy place and imagine that ...

averagejane said...

Well my friend, I will be calling upon you for advice as mine are now 3 and 6 and will too soon be 13and 16.
I have 2 siblings both of which I wanted wanted to smash on several occasions...Mother would yell, "NO PHYSICAL VIOLENCE"! (LOL!)
Rest assured, as time goes by we have become very close choice!
You are making great people up there! They are learning "conflict resolution" HA.