So today started out the same. Coffee with some much needed time alone to reflect. I sat down at the computer and cleaned out my email, perused FACEBOOK for a minute and then promptly headed over to YOUTUBE. I did the usual --- looked at fan created videos of Meredith and Derek. (LOL, yes people I am a romantic DORK at heart.)
But then I wanted to watch some more praise and worship videos from HILLSONG. I pulled up a song I found yesterday --- HERE IN MY LIFE, decided to post it to my FB page, and then without any fanfare, I felt directed toward a song called DESERT SONG performed by two of the other female song- leaders. I hadn't heard it before and had no idea if it was really any good. As I watched and digested the lyrics I smiled and realized that He was doing it again --- reminding me of WHO HE IS and WHO HE HAS BEEN in my life. He was reminding me to praise HIM through every circumstance --- the GOOD and the BAD. Sometimes easier said than done, huh?
I was so moved that I researched just how the song came to be. Wouldn't you know that it was in that moment that HE ever so gently put me in my place. I then giggled and said out loud, "I hear ya and I got it." Good thing the kids were still sleeping or they might have had proof that I may be one fry short of a happy meal these days.
How's that for perspective. And right now, that's all I really need. Just grace for the moment today.
Here are the lyrics to this song gift given to all of us through another woman's journey of loss. I hope they speak to you as they did to me.
Verse 1: This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger and need
My God is a God who provides
Verse 2: And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames
Chorus: And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain
I will rejoice I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
Verse 3: And this is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
Bridge: All of my life In every season
You are still God I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
Verse 4: This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow
Thank you Lord. That's all. Just an humble and heartfelt thank you.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Posted by knappmom3 at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I've been wrestling with God lately. Alot.
Confronting many different issues from long, long ago. Connecting the dots. In other words --- processing how I got from there to here. Sunday evening, I tried really hard to articulate myself at small group but couldn't quite spit the words out in a manner that made a whole lot of sense. Ughh. But then Monday morning arrived and it hit me straight in the face like a Mack truck!
I've had a lifetime of it. Carried it with me in my back pocket. FEAR enabled me to be easily swayed and misled often by well meaning people --- some who were even in the ministry. FEAR persuaded me to care too much about what others thought and not enough about what God was whispering in my own heart. FEAR persuaded me to allow others to define what HIS VISION was for my life. FEAR IS ONE SMART MONSTER! I allowed it to set dangerous precedent that I'm only now beginning to confront.
So, I've been experiencing these 'moments' in the last couple of weeks. During some quiet times, GOD has been gently reminding me of His provision. The many miracles He performed in my life despite all those FEARS that were hanging out in my back pocket. He has been reminding me of the woman who spoke more about the PROBLEM SOLVER than the problem -- regardless of whatever form 'the problem' took.
As you can imagine, much has been going on behind the mask I call my face. I've been taking my own spiritual temperature so to speak. Sunday afternoon I asked myself --- is loving my neighbor really just about the ones who annoy us while driving or scream too loudly while out on the baseball field? (of course not) Isn't the more realistic application then to LOVE the cast aways of our society --- the prisoners, the drunks and drug addicts, the gays and lesbians, those of differing religious beliefs, the doctors who perform abortions, liars and thieves --- my real world NEIGHBORS? In other words, the people created by the same God I feebly attempt to follow, who look, speak, act and often believe differently. Neighbors who may also perceive me to be just another religious nut job who doesn't walk the walk they talk!? Quite frankly, loving the annoying people --- not so much of a stretch. But showing love to someone of the same sex that might secretly find you attractive (or not) --- that ramps it up a bit don't you think?
I've also been wondering to myself --- what am I to do with the next phase of my life? I'm nearing the end of the 'all hands on deck while raising 3 kids' part. My teens are now able to speak, wipe their own noses, and other asundries, and they smell nice too. LOL. Time is beginning to stick around throughout my day. It's kind of weird when I think about it. I've been wife and mother, full time, for the last 20 years. But back many moons ago, I was a writer and singer who traveled extensively. But if I'm really going to be honest here --- I haven't felt a whole lot of self worth in a long while. I know what you're thinking, --- SELF is a dirty word, right? But that's the artist in me and --- sadly, the truth. No sense trying to deny it anymore. Especially to the one who created me.
However, as if to gently prove me wrong --- to remind me that I matter to HIM --- He sent me a gift via YOUTUBE. It reminded me that, even today, some of that artistic worth I laid down years ago is still spinning out in HIS universe and it's being utilized for worship, without pomp and circumstance, in places like an obscure little church somewhere in the Philippines.
I was stunned. It was surreal. And yet, as I listened to those words that flowed from the well spring of my soul way back then, I realized that, in the here and now, it's the very heartbeat of what I'm still called to do.
In a day of endless struggle
as we pray for strength to fight
our lives we will surrender
to walk by faith not sight
to proclaim his name victorious
so all the world will know
till we someday we meet the son of man
we must let His truth be known
In the streets are hungry children
who are starving for some bread
they only want to find a home
a place to lay their head
have you heard the still small voice inside
saying what have you done with these
as you've given to the least of them
you've given unto ME
we'll praise His name
no matter what the cost
we'll raise Him high
so the world won't be lost
and if by chance He calls us home
before we meet again
won't you take the name of Jesus
to the hearts of this great land
With courage we'll fight the fight
to set his people free
we must take his light and love to all
so the world can finally see, can finally see
we'll praise His name
no matter what the cost
we'll raise Him high
so the world won't be lost
and if by chance He calls us home
before we meet again
won't you take the name of Jesus
to the hearts of this great land
The lyric above needs a few edits now. But it was written in a moment of FEARlessness. And yet, something tells me it may just become my anthem again, with greater context --- the here and now --- in my own back yard --- loving my neighbors.
Sur-reality. (to me) A moment when God reaffirms that you and your dream of long ago, whatever that may have been, still matters so very much --- to Him.
Posted by knappmom3 at 6:01 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Tale of the 'Greedy Bitch' and 'Lying Bastard.'
Posted by knappmom3 at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Posted by knappmom3 at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Posted by knappmom3 at 11:08 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Posted by knappmom3 at 5:50 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
In talking with an old friend last week I was dumbfounded, and then angered, by the following exchange:
Again, I was stumped, "Why on earth would he do that?"
In reading the above how did it make you feel? Shocked and appalled or did you agree with the sentiments of my old friend? I know it took less that a second for my heart to register what my ears and brain had processed.
This is a person whom I have known for nearly 11 years. A 'go to' guy in whatever church he has served in. And this, THIS is what he shared with me?
I am going through something in my life that is challenging my response to those in the world. Not just the CHRISTIAN world, but the one we live in outside of the
church walls. I am daily being reminded of the two commandments that JESUS CHRIST himself stated we, HIS FOLLOWERS, were to obey:
Luke 10:27And he answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself."
I don't see Christ stating to ---Love your neighbor as yourself ... unless they are GAY...unless they are divorced, liars or drunkards. etc, etc.
And how often we forget that God says, 1 John 3:15 Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
You may not be Gay or Lesbian. That may not be your particular 'sin' issue. For you, it might be GLUTTONY --- a much IGNORED sin in the worldwide church.
You may be someone with a propensity for LYING. You may be someone right now, realizing the truth of your ADULTEROUS AFFAIR is about to be revealed to your spouse.
You may be a well thought of highly esteemed teenager in your youth group who is SEXUALLY ACTIVE with your boyfriend or girlfriend. You may be a believer who is WITHHOLDING THE TITHE.
Or a woman who cannot stop COVETING what her best friend has, whether it be a Dolche and Gabana satchel or the latest pair of Prada shoes.
You may be a man who has brought great emotional harm to his wife and is now walking the lonely road of DIVORCE. You may be an employee who delights in GOSSIP MONGERING.
You may be eaten alive with PRIDE and SELF IMPORTANCE. You may be a Christian who has UNFORGIVENESS in your heart for someone who deeply hurt you.
Regardless of what 'sin' the secret part of your heart holds, there's a very powerful and meaningful truth --- a wake-up call to everyone who claims to be a follower of Christ and believes they have it all under control. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
That ALL includes Y-O-U! Grab a mirror and take a good long look at the face you call your own.
Do you remember what it is YOU have been saved from? How wretched and dirty your own soul was and at times may very well still be? Have you forgotten the very sin in YOU that Christ shed HIS BLOOD to cover?
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world (the drunks, the liars, the gluttons, the covetous, the sexually immoral) that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not die but have eternal life."
Are you being Jesus with skin to your neighbors? Not only the straight ones but those who are very much the modern day 'lepers' of our society --- your gay and lesbian neighbors? They are indeed part of the world. And just like you and me they are, more often than not, hurting wounded people.
You may want to dig alittle deeper today and see what CONDITION your HEART is in.
Posted by knappmom3 at 2:36 PM 8 comments