Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So today started out the same. Coffee with some much needed time alone to reflect. I sat down at the computer and cleaned out my email, perused FACEBOOK for a minute and then promptly headed over to YOUTUBE. I did the usual --- looked at fan created videos of Meredith and Derek. (LOL, yes people I am a romantic DORK at heart.)

But then I wanted to watch some more praise and worship videos from HILLSONG. I pulled up a song I found yesterday --- HERE IN MY LIFE, decided to post it to my FB page, and then without any fanfare, I felt directed toward a song called DESERT SONG performed by two of the other female song- leaders. I hadn't heard it before and had no idea if it was really any good. As I watched and digested the lyrics I smiled and realized that He was doing it again --- reminding me of WHO HE IS and WHO HE HAS BEEN in my life. He was reminding me to praise HIM through every circumstance --- the GOOD and the BAD. Sometimes easier said than done, huh?

I was so moved that I researched just how the song came to be. Wouldn't you know that it was in that moment that HE ever so gently put me in my place. I then giggled and said out loud, "I hear ya and I got it." Good thing the kids were still sleeping or they might have had proof that I may be one fry short of a happy meal these days.

How's that for perspective. And right now, that's all I really need. Just grace for the moment today.

Here are the lyrics to this song gift given to all of us through another woman's journey of loss. I hope they speak to you as they did to me.

Verse 1: This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger and need
My God is a God who provides

Verse 2: And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames

Chorus: And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain
I will rejoice I will declare
God is my victory and He is here

Verse 3: And this is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand

Bridge: All of my life In every season
You are still God I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

Verse 4: This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow

Thank you Lord. That's all. Just an humble and heartfelt thank you.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I've been wrestling with God lately. Alot.

Confronting many different issues from long, long ago. Connecting the dots. In other words --- processing how I got from there to here. Sunday evening, I tried really hard to articulate myself at small group but couldn't quite spit the words out in a manner that made a whole lot of sense. Ughh. But then Monday morning arrived and it hit me straight in the face like a Mack truck!


I've had a lifetime of it. Carried it with me in my back pocket. FEAR enabled me to be easily swayed and misled often by well meaning people --- some who were even in the ministry. FEAR persuaded me to care too much about what others thought and not enough about what God was whispering in my own heart. FEAR persuaded me to allow others to define what HIS VISION was for my life. FEAR IS ONE SMART MONSTER! I allowed it to set dangerous precedent that I'm only now beginning to confront.

So, I've been experiencing these 'moments' in the last couple of weeks. During some quiet times, GOD has been gently reminding me of His provision. The many miracles He performed in my life despite all those FEARS that were hanging out in my back pocket. He has been reminding me of the woman who spoke more about the PROBLEM SOLVER than the problem -- regardless of whatever form 'the problem' took.

As you can imagine, much has been going on behind the mask I call my face. I've been taking my own spiritual temperature so to speak. Sunday afternoon I asked myself --- is loving my neighbor really just about the ones who annoy us while driving or scream too loudly while out on the baseball field? (of course not) Isn't the more realistic application then to LOVE the cast aways of our society --- the prisoners, the drunks and drug addicts, the gays and lesbians, those of differing religious beliefs, the doctors who perform abortions, liars and thieves --- my real world NEIGHBORS? In other words, the people created by the same God I feebly attempt to follow, who look, speak, act and often believe differently. Neighbors who may also perceive me to be just another religious nut job who doesn't walk the walk they talk!? Quite frankly, loving the annoying people --- not so much of a stretch. But showing love to someone of the same sex that might secretly find you attractive (or not) --- that ramps it up a bit don't you think?

I've also been wondering to myself --- what am I to do with the next phase of my life? I'm nearing the end of the 'all hands on deck while raising 3 kids' part. My teens are now able to speak, wipe their own noses, and other asundries, and they smell nice too. LOL. Time is beginning to stick around throughout my day. It's kind of weird when I think about it. I've been wife and mother, full time, for the last 20 years. But back many moons ago, I was a writer and singer who traveled extensively. But if I'm really going to be honest here --- I haven't felt a whole lot of self worth in a long while. I know what you're thinking, --- SELF is a dirty word, right? But that's the artist in me and --- sadly, the truth. No sense trying to deny it anymore. Especially to the one who created me.

However, as if to gently prove me wrong --- to remind me that I matter to HIM --- He sent me a gift via YOUTUBE. It reminded me that, even today, some of that artistic worth I laid down years ago is still spinning out in HIS universe and it's being utilized for worship, without pomp and circumstance, in places like an obscure little church somewhere in the Philippines.

I was stunned. It was surreal. And yet, as I listened to those words that flowed from the well spring of my soul way back then, I realized that, in the here and now, it's the very heartbeat of what I'm still called to do.


In a day of endless struggle
as we pray for strength to fight
our lives we will surrender
to walk by faith not sight
to proclaim his name victorious
so all the world will know

till we someday we meet the son of man
we must let His truth be known

In the streets are hungry children
who are starving for some bread
they only want to find a home
a place to lay their head
have you heard the still small voice inside
saying what have you done with these
as you've given to the least of them
you've given unto ME

we'll praise His name
no matter what the cost
we'll raise Him high
so the world won't be lost
and if by chance He calls us home
before we meet again
won't you take the name of Jesus
to the hearts of this great land

With courage we'll fight the fight
to set his people free
we must take his light and love to all
so the world can finally see, can finally see

we'll praise His name
no matter what the cost
we'll raise Him high
so the world won't be lost
and if by chance He calls us home
before we meet again
won't you take the name of Jesus
to the hearts of this great land

The lyric above needs a few edits now. But it was written in a moment of FEARlessness. And yet, something tells me it may just become my anthem again, with greater context --- the here and now --- in my own back yard --- loving my neighbors.

Sur-reality. (to me) A moment when God reaffirms that you and your dream of long ago, whatever that may have been, still matters so very much --- to Him.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tale of the 'Greedy Bitch' and 'Lying Bastard.'

I'm sure you have seen them in the news. Jon and Kate Gosselin of Jon and Kate plus 8. One of my favorite TLC cable shows about a couple doing the best they can to care for the blessings of their 8 kids --- twins and a set of sextuplets. Well, the 'shitolla' hit the fan in the last couple of weeks and you can't go to the grocery store without USWeekly or even PEOPLE magazine filling you in, by way of their covers, on the latest juicy bit of gossip associated with this now celebrity couple. I've heard some really nice people take aim at Kate, calling her a greedy bitch and only in it all for the money and fame. Really? On TLC? Did I miss their move to Hollywood or something? (ahhh man , bet that was a great episode.)

I can only imagine how hard this whirlwind must be for both of them. I am not debating the facts here, cause quite frankly, don't know what they are --- neither do you my sweet readers. I just don't understand why a brother of the 'alleged mistress' would sell his sister out to USWeekly. Oh yeah, MONEY. Nice family.

Kate's family isn't much better as we have now heard from her brother and sister-n-law. Ka-ching

By the looks of it, they seem to be the ones grasping for their piece of the proverbial fame pie. By the looks of it.

Did you catch the CBS morning spot on 'whether the Gosselin 8' are SAFE' ???

No lie. The morning anchor put on her best gravely concerned face and asked GLORIA ALRED if the children were being negatively impacted by all the frenzy and the way in which Jon and Kate snap at each other all the time..... (I guess morning anchor didn't consider the NETWORK'S blatant salacious story to be adding any pressure to this already hostile, not good for the kids and about to explode environment)

CUE ominous music.

Did we really need to ask that? And did we need to get that opinion from one of the most notorious female attorneys in the country and lead the interview with 'Are the Gosselin kids SAFE' hook? Yes, Attorney Alred occasionally dons her super human leotard and tights and fights the fight of the downtrodden but somehow this seemed waaaaaaay over the top and ever so slightly disingenuous for this particular situation. She's never met them. Never read their contract with TLC. Never been in the same room with the children but has all this first hand wisdom in dealing with THIS family. I somehow think CBS decided to use ALRED because she has attached herself to the other OCTO mom, you know the one, Angelina's look alike?

This story truly has the makings of a modern day Greek Tragedy. I hate it for them. You may say to me, "but didn't you hear they had an open marriage arrangement?" (gasp, is this where I'm supposed to be shocked?) or "she's just in it for the money."
I then ask, "have you considered how much money it costs to raise 8 kids in this modern civilization we're living in OR would you prefer the Gosselins to be living on WELFARE?" Hmmm, I believe there are quite a few people that would prefer it that way. SAD isn't it?

Why do we as a nation, when observing someone down, decide it would then be an even greater idea to kick them even harder? The media has been doing it for years, so true, but it seems to have taken on a much harsher tone. People seem to glory in the pain of others. Its a modern day take on a public execution --- think GUILLOTINE --- and that about sums it up.

I have not a clue what's really going on behind THEIR closed doors but I sure hope they can manage to somehow pull together and work as a team in raising their 8 beautiful kids. I'm not sweating their success or Kate's books about her experiences in being a mom of multiples. I'm glad they found a way to provide for their brood.

I haven't really heard anything that makes me desire their destruction. I live in the real world with all the rest of the screwed up people who like to believe they always have it together. They don't, none of us do. We have good days, maybe even some great days, but then there comes that moment when we are humbled --- again. We're just lucky that 'the world' isn't up our butts and in our business reveling in our pain.....

This couple signed up for a reality cable show, not Hollywood on crack. They are being treated to the worst it has to offer. And just so you know, I'm pulling for the 'greedy bitch' and 'lying bastard' to get their family back. They might even earn new nicknames --- like mom and dad or even better --- SURVIVOR.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I can hardly believe it, but come this December I will have officially been on the job as mom for 19 years. I haven't counted the number of diapers I've changed or the bottles and boobs I've nourished with. Well okay, I only used the same two boobs, but you know what I mean.

Today is MOTHER'S DAY!!!!

It's the hyped up holiday brought to you by HALLMARK CARDS. I'm not complaining really, its nice to be recognized, but it'd be great to be appreciated the other 364 days out of the year when your up to your eyeballs in laundry and the countless to-do lists brought to you by the fruit of your womb. You know those 364 days when they don't feel obligated to buy that HALLMARK CARD or take you out to get your nails done. Come on, I know you're feelin' me.

Gregg is my near 19 year old man-child. The dude's been quite the 'experience' as far as sons go. I LOVE MY BUBBY. But one of the many attributes he has going for him is his ridiculous desire to shock people --- HARDCORE! He wants to challenge the mind visually and contextually. He's also stinking hilarious. On most days, at least once, I am dropped to my knees by something he has said. He challenges everything --- political views, religious hierarchy, musical tastes and trends of fashion. This young man takes nothing at face value but loves gazing at faces filled with BOTOX. He is an oxy-moron. And no, that isn't a subliminal jibe at my son. He can out-think and out-wit most people. He is well liked by his teachers and adored by most of my adult friends. The others he scares the proverbial crap out of. 19 years is a long time to stick with one job. But I think he's been worth the effort. He is a like water --- effervescent, always moving and a force that must be reckoned with. Gregg has many naysayers though. He's been written off by youth pastors because he didn't comply to their program, had some really difficult questions that couldn't be answered in the typical GOD IN A BOX way, and then, to put the cherry on top of the sundae, when time to pray and listen --- well, my boy heard crickets! Yeah, CRICKETS!

So what's this mom to do? Tremble in fear? Shake down the youth pastors for such limited narrow vision? DEMAND that the crickets talk GOD-SPEAK!!?? Nope. Not a chance. I am absolutely sure of one thing. This man-child has a purpose for being on this blue ball in the sky. He has a journey to make. I don't know how that will take shape but I have seen just a glimpse of the man he is becoming --- powerfully perceptive, hard-working, incredibly intelligent, intuitive, creative and not willing to put up with crap! He is intense. He does challenge the status quo. But he is so worth the effort.

Savvy. Well, I blogged about her a couple of days ago so I don't want to bore you with my redundancy but, she is my girl that is itching to start her own life. She has the guy and they have the dream. (See the pics above) She wants to start now. NOW! As you can see she is so very beautiful. She can make my heart swell like the ocean. She can also p*ss me off so badly that I want to forcefully borrow some of that long brown hair from atop her head. (I'm keepin this real people) Thankfully, that doesn't occur very often but when it does --- STAND BACK. LOL. Gregg says we can square off like no two others. I don't really get why it is that way with her. Maybe its because we are so much alike or maybe I just want so much for her that it scares me how fast the world could eat her alive. She's itty bitty teeny wheeny --- THE WORLD ISN'T. I marvel at how she can argue her way around the bush and back though. The girl has a mind like a steel trap. Seriously, she could probably convince the POPE to wear leather pants!!!! You want this girl on your team if it involves taking a stand for a cause you believe in. I know I want her on my team --- FOR LIFE.

Jaelyn is my baby. She is, as they say, DOPE. A fearless performer who suffers occasional panic attacks. Go figure. She has no patience for boys and their head games. Can I get an AMEN! She isn't long suffering at all when it comes to play acting stupid. The girl will shoot the truth straight through your heart! She works with the special needs kids at school and that makes me so very proud of her. She also adores her daddy immeasurably. Yeah, she's got her dreams of entertaining millions, but at the end of the day, she'd probably be happy being a dentist --- just as long as she doesn't have to live but a short distance from home. :-) We've told her that she is the character played by Joan Cusack in Raising Helen --- a natural born mother who is strong yet nurturing. We think we'll keep her around. She was our surprise baby. And there has never been a day where she hasn't surprised us. Like today for instance. She came home and was suddenly taller than her mother. YIKES! No kidding.

Today on this HALLMARK holiday, I've walked down memory lane. I've been thinking back to some of the funnier moments that have occurred with my kids. Moments like when I scared Gregg half out of his wits when he was just about 10 years old. Or the time when he decided to scare Savannah with a fake spider on a string while she was showering. And then Savvy, attempting to deliver pay-back, nearly breaking her head and the tub faucet lying in wait for Gregg to exit that same shower.

I've been reminded of the harder moments as well --- Gregg begging God to heal him as he lay in agony with his first migraine that required a hospital visit. Or Savvy fighting 3 strains of Salmonella at once. Jaelyn battling OCD with Anxiety after my best friend, Kim, passed away of Melanoma. You know the much harder less talked about times of motherhood.

I've thought about my dad today --- how he called Savvy his little princess and Jaelyn his poogie puss. I've remembered my mom and her incessant worrying over each and every single grandchild she has been blessed with. Yep, there are so many memories we mom's can conjure up on a day like today. I won't keep you any longer with mine. I'm sure if your a mom, you have plenty of your own to muddle through.

"MOM!!!?????" Yep, right on cue........

So in honor of Mothers Day I celebrate the best gifts I have ever received --- my three kids. I can always count on the unexpected, lots of laughs and the occasional hug that doesn't come with an alterior motive. LOL.

How does it work in your house?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My last blog was all about my youngest baby girl, Jaelyn. Today I am inspired to write about my older baby girl, Savvy, aka Prada, nee nee, sissy boo sissy or her given name, Savannah Michelle. I am over the moon proud of this young woman in the making. We were informed yesterday that she was awarded a PELL GRANT in addition to her HOPE SCHOLARSHIP. How cool is that!!! She has been rewarded for all her hard work and diligence. Its an awesome wonderful thing when a woman in our society has the potential and the ability to educate herself and excel toward her plans and goals. Go nee nee!
It was about a 100 years ago in this country when young women were still denied the right to vote. Can you imagine that? How about the century where women weren't permitted to own land? Or even better how about the time IN THIS NATION when a husband was permitted to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb??? I'd be hiding me a black ironed skillet for that dear boy, LOL.

I am a huge fan of the Women's' Suffrage Movement and those incredible beings who had the where with all to go after and change the the laws of this nation. I'm referring to women like Lydia Chapin Taft, Abigail Adams, Elizabeth Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and a more obscure female abolitionist, Lucretia Mott. But even today there are still so many injustices occurring against our sisters in other parts of the world. Some African tribes still practice female genital circumcision. %$#!!!! And no ladies and gentlemen, that isn't performed in a clean and sterile hospital environment. There are countries where women have no choice as to who they marry. There are cultures today where women are still DENIED an education. I look back with a grateful heart to the above aforementioned women. In 1920 our country ratified our 19th amendment granting me, my daughters and all women in this nation the right to vote our conscience. In 1948 the UN declared it international law in the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.

One of my favorite books is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I adore reading about this time period but am so grateful that my daughters greatest achievements in life do NOT have to center around WHOM they are given in marriage to. I am thrilled that they have the opportunities to move forward in society as people first. I want them to be able to stand up on their own two feet and seek God for their direction. I sometimes wonder if the women in our nation realize how truly blessed they are --- or if my own daughters ever pause to reflect on this. Our choices are no longer just marriage, governess or prostitute. Savannah was born in a time where the law clearly states she has the right to an education and the privilege to work and the ability to own property IN HER NAME. She has so many choices afforded to her now because of the courageous women that fought for her rights without even knowing her name. She will begin the next step in her life's journey this fall at MTSU. I am so very proud of my daughter. SHE ROCKS MY WORLD! I cannot wait to see what she chooses to go forth in.
And so today as I look forward to her future, I humbly look back at the women who have gone before her and say --- THANK YOU!

Thank you so very, very much.

Friday, April 10, 2009


It was a very exciting week for this mom and her baby girl. We were flown to NYC for a meeting with an A&R rep of a recording label to talk about a possible development deal for Jaelyn. This wasn't a plan executed by me, it was one of THOSE stories you sometimes hear about. You know, the ones where the incredibly famous actress states she was drinking a milkshake in a famous 5&10 store with a burger grill located in the back, when lo and behold, a talent agent walks up drops his card and states,"stick with me sweetheart and I'll make you a household name?' LOL Yeah, it was kind of like that, except NOT. Gregg and Jaelyn began her YOUTUBE video channel about 7 months ago and she has been recording video 'covers' at her leisure. The thing is this former singer KNOWS she is gifted. No auto-tune or verb --- N_O_T_H_I_N_G processing her voice into sounding THAT good. This is a case where the HYPE lives up to the REAL DEAL.

So we were contacted by the VP of A&R from this record label. It required some digging on their part to even attempt to figure out how to reach us and who Jaelyn's authority figures were but after a few tries --- that was indeed accomplished. The talks began, the tickets were purchased ----- the meeting was a GO.

Jaelyn and I braved the planes. I chuckled as I remembered a friend, deathly afraid of spiders being poured down his shirt, relating to my not so much love of flying fear and phobia. Yeah, THAT helped me, LOL. Anyhow, the flights were smooth but still nerve wracking. Arnie picked us up and we fell into bed that night with visions of big scary corporate monsters wanting to chew Jaelyn up and spit her out into the next version of Britney Spears --- the one with the shaved head and the lost look in her eyes. So yeah, exhausted sleep came easily but it wasn't restful sleep because this was Jaelyn and HER dream. We had to tread lightly but with a sense of purpose. We had to prepare to protect while encouraging her gift. Kind of like all the dads out there who see the potential in their little athletes. They run out the door and sign them up for sports. They suit them up in shoulder pads, shin guards, jock-straps, and then send them out to PLAY THE FIELD all the while bellowing declarative remarks like, "you can do it, drop your shoulder, hit em again harder, DON'T YOU LET ME SEE TEARS BOY, WE play to win!!!! ruh ruh ruh " Yep, we were about to enter into THE game of games for a singer. And the mama was just a wee bit nerved out. I needed a drink but then remembered I don't do that sort of thing! So I took some deep breaths, received a phone call from a friend who prayed a gloriously inspired prayer, and I was set. I was going to Madison Ave to meet this LION head on.

One of the best things to witness was Jaelyn's calm. She managed to keep giggling at all the silly stuff. She retained her appetite. She loved on her daddy and he coo'd over her. We showed her where the mama FIRST kissed the daddy. Asked her what HER GOALS were for the day --- and then listened to her reply. Encouraged her to be honest in all her answers and that REGARDLESS of the outcome we were so very proud of her. We reminded her that in the end, this may not be THE DOOR but it was A DOOR. That she would glean some important lessons from this experience. To stay alert and be present in the moment during the meeting. Then we told her how much we loved her and headed into the great metropolis of steel and mortar....

So, are you wondering what happened? What the outcome was? How she really did? Hmmm, okay I'll spill it. Jaelyn did even better than I could have imagined. She looked the LION directly in the eye while smiling, giggled a bit, articulated who she was and who SHE WASNT. When asked if she would mind singing in front of him she stated, "are you kidding, I don't mind at all." Then she opened her mouth and let it flow. A big ol' smile broke over the LION'S face and he stopped her after the chorus and said, "you can stop right there Jaelyn, it's more than obvious that you ARE the real deal and that the youtube videos were ALL YOU." We then talked about industry. What is happening behind the scenes in music business. All very corporate boring facts but facts that every artist SHOULD BE well versed in. We talked about recoupable losses, budgets and itunes etc etc. THE LION was a huge teddybear of a man, much like my husband --- but bigger. And at the end of the hour and forty five minute marathon, he looked Jaelyn square in the eye and said, "We'd very much like to extend a contract offer to you Jaelyn."

Now, everyone in this business KNOWS the devil is in the details. We are expecting a copy of the contract to arrive at the beginning of the week. Legal then gets on board and we begin the arduous process of negotiating outclauses and must haves.
Is it in the bag as they say?
Well in the words of my very talented young daughter, "don't crack your eggs before you lay them."
So, we are applying that wisdom here in our house and aren't cracking open any eggs. We are simply moving forward on the next step of a journey. It doesn't change anything for Jaelyn at this point. She can walk into next week knowing that her dream was affirmed. That it's no longer just her mama telling her she has it. Her feet are firmly planted on the ground. She's back to arguing with me, her sister, and then exploding in laughter the very next minute.
She's the YO!!
And all is just as it should be....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


In talking with an old friend last week I was dumbfounded, and then angered, by the following exchange:

"Tell Arnie he should drive the bus into a brick wall."

I had do idea as to why this person would want my husband to drive into a wall.

He then replied, "But He should jump out of the bus first."

Again, I was stumped, "Why on earth would he do that?"

"Well he's driving the QUEERS ON WHEELS tour."
(My husband is currently on tour with the STARS ON ICE.)

In reading the above how did it make you feel? Shocked and appalled or did you agree with the sentiments of my old friend? I know it took less that a second for my heart to register what my ears and brain had processed.
This is a person whom I have known for nearly 11 years. A 'go to' guy in whatever church he has served in. And this, THIS is what he shared with me?
I am going through something in my life that is challenging my response to those in the world. Not just the CHRISTIAN world, but the one we live in outside of the
church walls. I am daily being reminded of the two commandments that JESUS CHRIST himself stated we, HIS FOLLOWERS, were to obey:

Luke 10:27And he answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself."

I don't see Christ stating to ---Love your neighbor as yourself ... unless they are GAY...unless they are divorced, liars or drunkards. etc, etc.

How on earth do we claim to know CHRIST and yet harbor hatred in our hearts for a people whom GOD loves. A people, he too in fact, DIED FOR?

And how often we forget that God says, 1 John 3:15 Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

You may not be Gay or Lesbian. That may not be your particular 'sin' issue. For you, it might be GLUTTONY --- a much IGNORED sin in the worldwide church.
You may be someone with a propensity for LYING. You may be someone right now, realizing the truth of your ADULTEROUS AFFAIR is about to be revealed to your spouse.
You may be a well thought of highly esteemed teenager in your youth group who is SEXUALLY ACTIVE with your boyfriend or girlfriend. You may be a believer who is WITHHOLDING THE TITHE.
Or a woman who cannot stop COVETING what her best friend has, whether it be a Dolche and Gabana satchel or the latest pair of Prada shoes.
You may be a man who has brought great emotional harm to his wife and is now walking the lonely road of DIVORCE. You may be an employee who delights in GOSSIP MONGERING.
You may be eaten alive with PRIDE and SELF IMPORTANCE. You may be a Christian who has UNFORGIVENESS in your heart for someone who deeply hurt you.
Regardless of what 'sin' the secret part of your heart holds, there's a very powerful and meaningful truth --- a wake-up call to everyone who claims to be a follower of Christ and believes they have it all under control. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
That ALL includes Y-O-U! Grab a mirror and take a good long look at the face you call your own.
Do you remember what it is YOU have been saved from? How wretched and dirty your own soul was and at times may very well still be? Have you forgotten the very sin in YOU that Christ shed HIS BLOOD to cover?

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world (the drunks, the liars, the gluttons, the covetous, the sexually immoral) that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not die but have eternal life."

Do you believe that Christ's sacrifice covers their sin or just the more acceptable ones you occassionally dabble in?

If Christ told us to love, to go into the world sharing the GOOD NEWS --- was that with a religious bat or with the truth of HIS LOVE?
Are you being Jesus with skin to your neighbors? Not only the straight ones but those who are very much the modern day 'lepers' of our society --- your gay and lesbian neighbors? They are indeed part of the world. And just like you and me they are, more often than not, hurting wounded people.

You may want to dig alittle deeper today and see what CONDITION your HEART is in.